Sunday, September 23, 2007

Uh, Mum, Dad...There's Something You Should Know

I told my parents yesterday that I'm going to sign up for a PhD project.

They took the news better than I expected. I don't know why I was so worried about telling them but I was. It is three years, (I'm not wanting to take any longer), of further study, insane hours and a move back to being a full-time student. It's the strangest career move that I've made yet. Normally I move up or sideways. I don't quite know what direction this move is but I am sure it's not down.

My parents are supportive of my decision. I'm not sure if mum fully understands what it is I'm signing up for which was expected. What was surprising was that dad started using words like "academia", "doctorate" and "thesis title". I wasn't prepared for that and nor did I realise that dad was familiar with the terms.

So the next thing is to let my supervisor know.

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