Friday, November 2, 2007

Research Momentum...Lack Of...

This is applicable to the week I've had so far. Last Friday, I exhausted the supply of one of my reagents. I did place an order in on Monday but it didn't arrive until Wednesday. By this time the rate at which any work was being done at that moment in time had fallen to slightly above zero. At the moment, it is zero. I am procrastinating here after all when I should be over there working.

It's not that I don't want to do the work, it's just that I don't feel like it. I was running experiments daily and getting a lot done, 20 hours of work in nine hours is something of an achievement. After days of no progress and frustration, I'm quite willing to wait for a new working week before I start up again.

Besides this I have time to prepare for next week or so I tell myself repeatedly. I also have a deadline that I can still meet well before it comes whizzing by. And I can study for my upcoming exam.

I didn't find it this difficult to start work from a period of rest before. Normally it goes from zero to a lot almost instantaneously. At the moment I have many reasons to do this but not a lot of motivation.

1 comment:

Lil said...

you and me both... i'm on my last motivational drive here...